
We care ♥

We collect your personal data, which you have given to us on the site or by e-mail. These data are confidential, we will not disclose this data to third parties. They will only be used to process your order, to improve and personalize our communications, in particular for sending newsletters and in the context of personalizing the site according to your preferences.

We use cookies to make your stay and return on our website comfortable, with your personal preferences. You can choose to accept or reject.

We don't store your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which the processing is carried out. To determine the appropriate duration, the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the purposes for which the data are processed and the possibility of achieving these purposes through other means are taken into account. The need to comply with all legal and regulatory obligations is also taken into account. If the data is no longer needed, it will be destroyed.

You have the right:

to ask us if we have any personal data, what data and what it is used for;

to access your data and possibly have it corrected;

to demand that your data is erased or that the seller restrict its processing;

to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

You can exercise your rights by sending a dated and signed request to Draaibankstraat 7, 2800 Mechelen or to , with a copy of your identity card (for security reasons). If the request is manifestly unfounded, the request may be refused and a reasonable fee may be charged.